Harmonise and Balance with Reiki
A Soothing Healing Process
Reiki is an age-old natural therapy that brings balance and harmony to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of yourself. It promotes good health and induces a deep state of relaxation and wellbeing...
During the Reiki treatment the practitioner gently lays their hands on your body, sometimes leaving them slightly above your body. The Reiki treatment can be administered laying down or sitting on a chair depending upon your mobility. Reiki is suitable for children and animals.
• Accelerate the natural healing process
• Provide relaxation, confidence, peace and joy
• Help pain relief and relieve stress
• Give focus and improve concentration
• Improve quality of life and aid positive thinking
• Emotional support during illness
• Become responsible for your own health

Reiki Healing
60 Minute Sessions for Just £35
"I have been receiving Reiki from Karen for approximately two years, in that time I have come to realize what a gift she has, after each session and for some days after, I have a feeling of wellbeing within myself. She induces relaxation and generates a feeling of warmth and peace to me. I look forward to each session. Thank you Karen."
− M.W. 2010 Lincoln
Learn Reiki From the Experts
I am a traditional Usui Reiki Master teacher and I was trained by the international author and Reiki researcher William Lee Rand of The International Centre for Reiki Training.
I have also learnt Japanese Jikiden (original) Reiki. Jikiden Reiki is the most authentic Reiki system, it is the way Reiki was taught by Hayashi Sensei as learnt from Usui Sensei.
I will teach you how to empower your life with Reiki, using the energy to benefit yourself and others, and attune (connect) you to the energy.
Classes are mainly on a one to one basis of 3 hours over 4 sessions. Times and dates to suit you. This method of teaching, rather than a quick weekend course, has been purposely selected so you can build up the Reiki energy, gain confidence, and practice.
Reiki classes have a renowned history in self-healing
It is important to always remember that Reiki was taught and learned very intensively under the founder Dr. Usui. The students would meet once a week to meditate, practice and apply Reiki together over varying periods of time. In Japan, the Reiki path is seen as a course of life that is to be deeply followed. Sometimes you could only attain the second degree after 10 or 20 years of practice.
Reiki I: Self-Healing and Healing of Others: £185
Reiki II: Reiki Symbols and Reiki Practitioner: £250
Reiki III: Reiki Master / Teacher: £500

Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
Approved by the UK Reiki Federation and the International Association of Reiki Professionals.
"Thank you Karen, for being so patient with me, whilst I was doing my Reiki level one with you, you are a fantastic tutor and explained everything clearly so I understood what I was being taught. Can't wait to see you again, and also get started on my Reiki level two."
− S.L.L. 2014 Lincoln